When I was young, I was plagued by recurrent nightmares of cats attacking me. They were gruesome and frightening. Interpreting these dreams didn’t occur to me then – I didn’t come from a family that recognized or understood the esoteric, and I wasn’t naturally drawn to it as a youth. If I did give it thought, I didn’t take it seriously, as I was heavily weighted on the analytical-side. There was an inbalance in my life. I started journaling my dreams some years ago, after I’d started seeing symbols during meditation. Why was I being shown these symbols? What did they mean? I wanted to understand the language of our subconscious and the collective unconscious,
and where else to find a grand collection of symbols, but in dream dictionaries! This also got me interested in dreams as another source of tapping my intuition. At first I didn’t remember my dreams, but I set my intention each night; leaving pen and paper bedside. Soon I was having almost nightly recall. Every morning I interpreted and journaled based off the notes I’d made during the previous night. During this time, I had the cat nightmare again, and learned from it. I was also learning to embrace and trust my intuition, and was softening my interactions with others. I was embracing the feminine in me. After decades of the same dream, it is no longer a necessary message.
Beside the feminine and mystic, how else can cat energy help?
In Light, Kirsten