Intentions – Harnessing the Energy of the Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse with energy radiating upward (intentions)

Intentions – Harnessing the Energy of the Solar Eclipse

As everyone knows, the new moon, solar eclipse is almost upon us. From a spiritual aspect, new moons are a great time to set intentions for new endeavors, such as a new job, fitness program, or by being more mindful. Becoming clear what it is you want out of life is integral to your joy. A solar eclipse is a new moon on steroids, so take advantage of it! Eclipses can shake things up by forcing change in one’s life, which is not always comfortable. However, you can harness its energy and make it work for you, by setting clear intentions.  National Geographic has a great video if you would like to learn more about the scientific aspects of solar eclipses.

What Brings You Joy?

Decide on one to three things near-and-dear to you; any more than this, and you run the risk that the energy gets diluted. Write your intentions in the present tense, as if they are already happening. e.g. “Moving my body each day in love and happiness for increased flexibility and energy.” After writing your intentions out, say them out-loud to the Universe and feel the energy each one brings to you as you say it. Know that you are designing your life for joy, by taking advantage of this powerful time.

When to Take Action

The energy of this eclipse will be powerful for about ten days afterwards, but the closer to the eclipse, the stronger it will be. Too busy for this exercise? Well, because I’m all-out-busy lately, I am doing this now in lieu of my annual vision statement. You may wish to take this tact as well if it suits. If you would like the assistance of a co-creator, schedule a tarot reading, or vision board session now to catalyze your unconscious energy into known, clear intentions for your life.

Image by Anssi Kauhanen











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